Tuu Oho Mai Services is a not-for-profit te ao Maaori specialist family violence service provider that offers a range of 24/7 support to ensure immediate safety and restore mana among whaanau in the Waikato rohe.
We bring in-depth knowledge and expertise in understanding the dynamics of family violence, as well as a holistic approach that ensures people and whaanau receive the support they need.

Our kaimahi support and advocate for whaanau affected by family violence, including waahine, taane, and tamariki, ensuring they have access to the appropriate services.
Our services focus on uncovering the root causes of abusive behaviours and helping whaanau understand the patterns that lead to unsafe environments and harm.
Our vision is having resilient whaanau, and our purpose is to develop loving whaanau so that they thrive.
Brad Totorewa gifted Tuu Oho Mai Services Kiingi Taawhiao’s tongikura "te toi I ahu mai I Hawaiiki" to communicate this aspiration:
Tupu Te Toi Waahine and tamariki are resilient
Ora Te Toi Whaanau are vibrant and thriving
Whanake Te Toi Our parents are caring and loving

Our three core values are:
Kiingitanga Celebrating the mana of Waikato Tainui whilst welcoming diversity and inclusivity
Kaitiakitanga Collective guardianship of our whaanau
Kotahitanga Collective action for the restoration and preservation of mana
These guiding principles shape the culture and decision-making at Tuu Oho Mai Services, and the kaupapa is anchored in whakapapa.
Our people
Our skilled kaimahi will work alongside you, offering support and encouragement as you progress on a journey of improved safety and wellbeing.